‘Belief and Action’ Touring Exhibition, 2016-18

Belief and Action Exhibition Launch on Conscientious Objectors Day 2018 at Ystradgynlais School, Swansea Valley

The Belief and Action Exhibition from WCIA’s Wales for Peace programme, supported by Cymru’n Cofio / Wales Remembers 1914-18 through (MALD, Welsh Government’s Museums Archives and Libraries Division), explores the reasons why some conscientious objectors chose to take the difficult path of resisting conscription in the First World War. It looks at some of the problems that they faced, when hundreds of thousands of men believed it was their duty, and sacrificed their lives, to fight for their country. What makes an individual take a stand when they feel that their conscience won’t allow them to follow a certain path? It also explores the legacy of these actions. In the hundred years since the First World War, how have people in Wales followed their beliefs with action in the search for peace.

View the content of the panels and activities

Exhibition Tour and Hosts, 2016-18

The exhibition launch in Pontypridd was held in October 2016 at St. David’s Uniting Church: View full album of launch event on Flickr here. Venues have since included:

Interactive Touchscreen for Belief & Action Exhibition

If your community would be interested in hosting a future ‘Belief and Action’ display, or researching, sharing and producing short digital stories – please email WalesforPeace@wcia.org.uk. The exhibition is designed to be flexible and portable, so that it can visit as many communities as possible across Wales, and will be supported by a growing store of digital resources. This includes the Pearce Register of Conscientious Objectors: a database with the records of some 860 Welsh men who took their case for exemption from conscription to a military tribunal. The idea is that the exhibition belongs to a community, and that it can be used as a focal point for community activities around the theme of peace – all we ask is that you let us know what you’re up to so that we can help promote your activities!

Drawing on research into records from WW1 Conscientious Objector tribunals in Merthyr Tydfil, “Without the Scales” was a digital project between Merthyr College students, Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and University of South Wales / Coleg y Cymoedd. The short film was showcased for the Wales for Peace exhibition in partnership with WCIA, the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, in Autumn 2018.

Exhibition Themes and Learning Links

1. Is war ever justified?

  • Further examples of recruitment posters, and other ww1 resources
  • Captain David Jones’s correspondence, and other letters from soldiers (National Library of Wales)
  • Quotes from Oliver Powell and Saunders Lewis from the book Wales and the First World War, Robin Barlow (Gomer 2014)


2. Is it cowardly to refuse to fight?


3. Who do you believe?


4. Should you always follow the beliefs of your friends, your community?


5. If you think your government is wrong, what do you do?

  • The Pearce Register shows details of court proceedings and outcomes for around 880 individuals in Wales who applied for exemption from the Military Service act.


6. How do you stand up and be counted?


7. How can you support soldiers but not war?


8. Would you go to prison for something you believed in?

  • More information about Emrys Hughes
  • Dyfed Archaeological Trust have recently launched a project called ‘WWI Refusing to Fight: Legacy of Dissent on the Black Mountain’, which includes an exploration of the work on the Llyn y Fan Reservoir. Find out more.


9. What is your future if you stick to your principles?


10. How can the actions of one person make a difference?


11. How do your actions follow your beliefs?
