Celebrating Refugee Week 2018

This week UNA Exchange welcomes Carys Price from Cardiff Met University. She is doing a communication and marketing internship. This week is refugee week and as part of this, Carys has researched the history and aims of the United Nations’ initiative and how to get involved with UNA Exchange.

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  • Refugee Week started in 1998
  • Refugee Week is 20 years old this year and is celebrated every year in June
  • Refugee Week is a platform for holding hundreds of art, cultural and educational events
  • Refugee Week celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK, by encouraging a better understanding between communities
  • Refugee Week is organised by the Refugee Week partnership, which is a multi agency project
  • Representatives from the partner agency include British Red Cross, Oxfam, Refugee Council, Save the Children UK and Welsh Refugee Council
  • Events are organised by various organisations such as local governments, refugee community organisations, schools and faith groups
  • Organisers are encouraged to create events that focus around the idea that refugee week is a space of encounters between different communities, which is an opportunity to use more creative ways to bring refugee experiences closer to a wider audience
  • The Aim Of Refugee Week 2018

    • Encourage a range of diverse events around the UK to encourage better understanding and overcome hostility
    • Educate members of the public about the talent that refugees has brought to the UK over the years
    • Provide information to members of the public,to increase awareness of the reality of refugee experience
    • Refugee Week Events

      There are various events that are celebrating Refugee Week this year across the UK,especially in Cardiff! Why not join in and celebrate?!

      The events that are currently being held in Cardiff are:

    • The Welsh Refugee Council is holding various events around Wales with its Welsh Refugee council art programme- Gwneud Noddfa. The council is exploring the theme ‘celebration’ by celebrating sanctuary and understanding how people find sanctuary in Wales
    • The events held by the Welsh Refugee Council also focuses on the celebration of migration, celebrating the mix of culture and skills that have brought by people who have moved to Wales over the years
    • For example- Celebrating Home in Cardiff- We’re here-what now?event
    • The event will be held for a month in the Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay, from the 23rd of June to the 23rd of July (5:30pm-7:30pm)which includes various artists
    • National Theatre of Wales is also hosting an event named ‘English’, involving a performer named Jonny Cotsen. The event has been inspired by migrants who have learned English for various reasons
    • The event will be held from the 14th of June to the 24th of June(7:00-9:00 pm) at the Dance House, Millennium Centre
    • Another event that is being held at the Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay, is the ‘Refugee Week Wales Exhibition’. The event started on the 1st of June and will end on the 30th of June
    • To find out about events near you, check out the Refugee Week website:
    • Other ways to get involved…

      Throughout the year, there are other ways to support refugee charities, for example, volunteering for refugee projects. UNA Exchange has various refugee projects that are around the world for you to get involved. Here are a few volunteering projects that are available, to search for more projects, check out our project page on our website

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    • Belgium Red Cross Centre Asylum Seekers (22/09/18-6/10/18)
    • The project involves volunteers taking part in community life of the centre such as entertainment activities, for example, film clubs and renovation works within the centre, which is based in Nonceveux,Belgium
    • The centre offers various services for Asylum Seekers such as accommodation and food, medical support and compulsory education for minors
    • Italy: Better future for Saharawi Children (01/07/18)-(22/07/18)
    • The project is hosted by Rio De Oro,a non-profit organisation,which provides medical care and assistance to Saharawi people with various disabilities, also including children from the ages of 6-14
    • Volunteers will be helping workers, by feeding,changing/ dressing and playing with the Saharawi children