Talking Taith and the new curriculum with North Wales Teachers

Thursday 16 December, WCIA was invited to attend the Conference for Secondary Humanities Teachers in Abergele. It was a fantastic opportunity for teachers to listen to presentations and to share emerging practice on how they’ve embedded the new Welsh curriculum into their schools and classrooms. It was inspirational to hear the ingenuity with which humanities teachers across North Wales have been finding novel ways of joining up their disciplines and teaching methodologies to best equip their students with the key skills and competencies to be ethnical citizens of the future.
Those in attendance we lucky to hear from Huw Griffiths, an architect of the new curriculum, who spoke of how Cynefin (habitat/community) has played a central role in how we envision Welsh communities as well as how we educate Welsh students, as well as addressing ways in which schools can look to examples of history of Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities to more holistically teach their subjects.

This was followed by sessions on how we teach diversity and anti-racism in the Humanities as well as a plenary session on networking amongst the teachers.
WCIA was fortunate enough to attend the conference and host a market stall, highlighting to teachers some of the many free to access educational resources that can supplement their teaching, helping to foster critical thinking, debating and the articulation of arguments. Furthermore, in WCIA’s role as Taith Champion for the school’s sector, we were able to let teachers know what funding opportunities are available for them and their schools to undertake an international exchange.

If you’re interested in learning how WCIA’s educational resources can help you in the classroom, click here. Or, if you’re a school or youth organsiation who would like to learn more about how the Taith funding scheme can help you access international opportunities contact (schools) or (youth sector).