EVS in Malta

Exciting new EVS project in Malta volunteering with a Migrant Offshore Aid Station. 


MOAS – Volunteering to Save Lives at Sea


Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) is an NGO based in Malta wich has the final goal of reducing deaths at sea. MOAS’s staff includes SAR professionals and maritime officers, international humanitarian experts and security professionals.

More information here

When does the project start? February 2017 for 12 months 

What does it cost? This project is a European Voluntary Service project under the Erasmus + programme and therefore fully funded through the European Commission.

Who can apply? Anyone aged 18-30 at time of application, UK resident before and after departure, valid passport for at least 6 months year after end of activity.  No criminal records.

How can I apply

  1. Please send your CV and motivation letter to  info@moas.eu