UNA Exchange celebrates Youth Work Week 2018
This week members of the UNA Exchange team, including our new Programme Officer (Exchanges) Bethan Julia Williams, represented the organisation at the national showcase event of Youth Work Week Wales in Cardiff Bay.
About Youth Work Week
Youth Work Week Wales is an annual event that is held for one week during the 23rd-30th of June.The event is dedicated to provide an opportunity for youth organisations,youth workers and young people to celebrate their achievements and the impact of their work.
Aim of Youth Work Week
The aim of Youth Work Wales Week is to promote a wider understanding and support of youth work and to gain media coverage, but to also promote a positive image of young people. Another aim of Youth Work Wales is to promote the benefits of youth work and celebrate the contribution of youth work with young people.
The National Showcase Event
This year, the Youth Work National Show Case Event took place on the 26th of June at Pier Head, Cardiff Bay. Twenty eight youth organisations had represented the event and the event had been an opened by a member of YMCA Swansea, Taylor Robertson. The speech was inspirational as it focused on the benefits of youth and community work and spoke about his experience first hand.
During the event, the Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning Eluned Morgan had attended, who is also in charge of announcing the finalists for the Youth Work Excellence Awards 2018, which awards the best youth workers and youth work projects in Wales. There are nine categories in total, for example, promoting health, well-being and active lifestyles.The winners be will be revealed on the 29th of June, in Cardiff.
Bethan had enjoyed meeting and talking with Eluned Morgan AM about the benefits of volunteering with UNA Exchange. She also got the chance of meeting the Mayor of Glamorgan-Leighton Rowland and discussed about the volunteering opportunities for young people with UNA Exchange.