
SDGS4U Cwrs 2

Croeso i’r modiwlau SDGs4U . Rydym yn argymell eich bod chi’n gweithio drwy’r holl fodiwlau gam wrth gam, ond gallwch hefyd bori drwy’r rhai sydd o’r diddordeb mwyaf i chi.

Rydym yn argymell yn gryf eich bod chi’n cwblhau’r cyflwyniad cyn symud ymlaen i unrhyw un o’r sesiynau eraill.

Dim yn siŵr sut i lywio’r cwrs? Gwyliwch fideo byr.

Mae’r cwrs yn defnyddio Padletau hefyd fel y gallwch gyfnewid syniadau gyda phobl eraill sydd yn cymryd rhan yn y cwrs. Os nad ydych wedi defnyddio Padlet o’r blaen, gallwch wylio ein fideo byr.


SDGs4U Course 2 – Becoming a sustainability champion

Welcome to the SDGs4U modules. We recommend you work through all the modules step-by-step but you can also dip into those that are of most interest to you. We strongly recommend you complete the introduction before moving on to any of the other sessions.

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

The course also uses Padlets so you can exchange ideas with other course participants. If you’ve not used a Padlet before, you can watch our short video.


WCIA Volunteer Induction

A warm welcome to the Welsh Centre for International Affairs. This induction programme takes you through everything you need to know to get started as a volunteer.


WCIA Staff Induction

WCIA logo

A warm welcome to the Welsh Centre for International Affairs. This induction programme takes you through everything you need to know to get started.


SDGS4U Cwrs 1

Croeso i’r modiwlau SDGs4U . Rydym yn argymell eich bod chi’n gweithio drwy’r holl fodiwlau gam wrth gam, ond gallwch hefyd bori drwy’r rhai sydd o’r diddordeb mwyaf i chi.

Rydym yn argymell yn gryf eich bod chi’n cwblhau’r cyflwyniad cyn symud ymlaen i unrhyw un o’r sesiynau eraill.

Dim yn siŵr sut i lywio’r cwrs? Gwyliwch fideo byr.

Mae’r cwrs yn defnyddio Padletau hefyd fel y gallwch gyfnewid syniadau gyda phobl eraill sydd yn cymryd rhan yn y cwrs. Os nad ydych wedi defnyddio Padlet o’r blaen, gallwch wylio ein fideo byr.


Futures Thinking

Time travel is a strange concept in many ways. When we look back at the past, our transition to the present feels somehow inevitable and it’s comforting to reflect on the way that progress shows itself from decade to decade. However, when we try to imagine the future, all too often it is almost impossible to imagine the way that our world will develop. Our ideas rely on concepts that we have seen such as science fiction stories where everyone flies or post-apocalyptic fiction where the world is in ruins. In this course, we will develop the skills to reflect on our preferred future using established theories of pace layers, future mapping using “seeds” and building concepts of deep time both in the past and future.


In this course, you will:

  • Develop a sense of time including “deep time” (reflect on life a long time ago, predict life a long way into the future and consider the tools that we can use to consider time)
  • Evaluate tools that enable us to predict and imagine the future
  • Design your own vision for your preferred future, based on real-life events
  • Reflect on ways we can take action so that your preferred future has a greater likelihood of coming to pass.

This course structured to be an interactive mix of videos, padlets and zoom sessions. It’s broken into several sections so you can access it at a time and place that works for you. This training is part of the Erasmus+ project The World We Want in 2121 and is aimed at teachers and facilitators.

The course also uses Padlets so you can exchange ideas with other course participants. If you’ve note used a Padlet before, you can watch our short video.


Sut i Ddadlau

Canllaw ar gyfer y rheini sydd eisiau lleisio eu barn

Pan rydym yn edrych ar y byd o’n cwmpas, rydym yn gweld dadleuon ymhobman. O deulu a ffrindiau sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau bob dydd i wneuthurwyr penderfyniadau yn y senedd yn dadlau ynghylch p’un a ddylai rhywbeth ddod yn gyfraith ar gyfer gwlad gyfan ai peidio. Mae’r byd rydym yn byw ynddo yn cael ei lunio drwy sgwrs, ac mae cyfnewid a chyd-ymweithio dadleuon yn ein galluogi i edrych ar yr holl agweddau ar syniad cyn inni ruthro i weithredu.

Un ffordd y daw’r byd yn annheg yw pan nad oes gan bawb yr un sgiliau i’w cyflwyno i ddadl. Gall rhywun sydd â sgiliau perswâd rhagorol wneud i syniadau ofnadwy hyd yn oed ymddangos yn rhesymol, tra gall rhywun sydd heb lawer o sgiliau cyfathrebu gael trafferth cyfleu safbwyntiau a syniadau pwysig.

Am y rheswm hwn, rydym wedi creu’r “cam cyntaf” hwn wrth greu dadl. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn trafod:

  • Sut i beidio â dadlau
  • Sut i ffrwyno pŵer cwestiynau’n effeithiol?
  • Sut i weithio’n gryno
  • Sut i adeiladu dadl
  • Sut i reoli gwrthdaro yn ystod dadleuon
  • Sut i amddiffyn eich sefyllfa

Cyn i ni ddechrau arni, cwblhewch yr hunanasesiad byr hwn i weld sut rydych chi’n graddio eich sgiliau eich hun. Byddwn yn ei wneud eto ar y diwedd.

Create your own user feedback survey

Peidiwch â phoeni os nad ydych chi’n teimlo’n hyderus iawn ar hyn o bryd. Dyna beth yw pwrpas yr hyfforddiant hwn! Fe welwch, po fwyaf y byddwch yn ymarfer, gorau oll y byddwch yn dod yn cyflawni bob un o’r agweddau hyn ar ddadlau, a’r mwyaf y byddwch yn ei ddysgu.  

Yng Nghanolfan Materion Rhyngwladol Cymru (WCIA), rydym yn credu y gall pawb gyfrannu at greu byd tecach a mwy heddychlon. Mae ein dadlau wrth wraidd hynny, gan ei fod yn dysgu pobl i feddwl yn feirniadol am ddadleuon, i fyfyrio ar yr wybodaeth sydd yn cael ei rhoi iddynt, ac i fynegi eu barn yn glir. Eleni, rydym yn gyffrous i allu cynnig yr hyfforddiant hwn i unrhyw un sydd eisiau bod yn rhan ohono, ac rydym yn ddiolchgar i’n cyllidwyr yn WCVA am weld y potensial ar gyfer y prosiect hwn, ac am ein cefnogi i’w gyflawni.


How to Argue

A guide for those who want to make their voice heard

When we look at the world around us, we see arguments everywhere. From family and friends making everyday decisions to decision-makers in parliament arguing about whether or not something should become law for a whole country. The world that we live in is shaped by conversation and  the exchange and interplay of arguments allow us look at all the aspects of an idea before we rush into action.

One way that the world becomes unfair is when not everyone has the same skills to bring to an argument. Someone with excellent skills in persuasion can make even terrible ideas seem reasonable, whilst someone with few skills in communication can struggle to communicate important viewpoints and ideas.

For this reason, we have created this “first step” in argument making. This course will cover:

  • How not to argue
  • How to effectively harness the power of questions
  • How to work concisely
  • How to build an argument
  • How to manage conflict during arguments  
  • How to defend your position

Before we get started, please complete this short self-assessment to see how you rate your own skills. We will do it again at the end.

Create your own user feedback survey

Don’t worry if you don’t feel very confident at this stage. That’s what this training is here for! You will find, the more you practice, the better you will become at all of these aspects of arguing and the more you will learn.  

At the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA), we believe that everyone can contribute to creating a fairer and more peaceful world. Our debating is at the heart of that because it teaches people to think critically about arguments, to reflect on the information they are given and to express their opinions clearly. This year, we are excited to be able to offer this training to anyone who wants to be part of it and are grateful to our funders at the WCVA for seeing the potential for this project and supporting us in carrying it out.


SDGs4U Course 1 – Sustainability and the Economy

Welcome to the SDGs4U modules. We recommend you work through all the modules step-by-step but you can also dip into those that are of most interest to you. We strongly recommend you complete the introduction before moving on to any of the other sessions.

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

The course also uses Padlets so you can exchange ideas with other course participants. If you’ve not used a Padlet before, you can watch our short video.


Debate Training

At the WCIA, we believe that everyone can contribute to creating a fairer and more peaceful world. Our debating is at the heart of this because it teaches people to think critically about arguments, to reflect on the information they are given and to express their opinions clearly. This year, we are excited to be able to offer this training to anyone who would like to take part.

We are grateful to WCVA for the funding for this project.


Ethical informed citizens of Wales and the world

In this course, participants will:

  • Identify what it means to be an ethical informed citizen of Wales and the world
  • Explore tools and methodologies to develop and assess ethical informed citizens of Wales and the world
  • Examine case studies to explore cross-curricular approaches to developing ethical informed citizens of Wales and the world

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

The course also uses Padlets so you can exchange ideas with other course participants. If you’ve note used a Padlet before, you can watch our short video.

Original course written by WCIA and Oxfam Cymru. The creation of this course was funded by the British Council as part of the Welsh Government’s International Education Programme.


Creative Contributors Level 2

In this course, participants will:

  • Develop a definition of creativity based on “real life” case studies
  • Evaluate the skills and knowledge needed to be a creative contributor
  • Design curriculum opportunities for teaching for creativity
  • Reflect on methods to develop a creativity rich environment

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

The course also uses Padlets so you can exchange ideas with other course participants. If you’ve note used a Padlet before, you can watch our short video.

Original course written by Britsh Council with adaptations for the Welsh context by WCIA.

Creadit: British Council Creativity and Imagination course
Connecting classrooms, British Council and UK Aid logos

Successful Partnerships Level 2

This course will support teachers and schools to get the best out of their international partnerships. There are four sections:

  • Exploring partnerships: explore what helps and hinders a mature and equal partnership
  • Planning and managing partnerships: evaluate and strengthen your school partnership
  • Involving others: explore who can help the partnership from the school and the wider community
  • Sustaining partnerships: identify long term aspirations and how to get there, including resourcing your partnership

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

Original course written by Rob Unwin, Jackie Zammit and Ruth Najda with Dorota Wierzbica with adaptations by Amber Demetrius and Susie Ventris-Field. Illustrations by Teresa Robertson.


Appreciative Inquiry

The “Am I European?” project aims to compare and mediate between different concepts of identity. In our study, we have looked at perspectives on European identity across countries and compared perspectives. Our job now is to support young people to learn from one another, especially ideas that we disagree with.

During this course, you will:

  • Reflect on how contexts and cultures has influenced your students and whether this has changed during the project
  • Understand the concept of ‘unlearning’ and how it can help with your evidence collection at the end of the projects
  • Learn the basics of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as compared to traditional research approaches and use it to help students negotiate between opinions

There are about two hours of online learning


Research Skills 1

Welcome to Research Skills for the New Curriculum Level 1. This course is part of the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme funded by British Council and UK Aid.

During this course, you will:

  • Look at contexts and cultures and how they influence us
  • Understand the concept of ‘unlearning’ and how it can help with your research
  • Learn the basics of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as compared to traditional research approaches.
  • Plan how to put your learning into practice in the new curriculum

There are about two hours of online learning followed by a live (face-to-face or Zoom) session with one of our experienced trainers to help you to reflect, answer any questions, and to put your learning into practice.

Before we get started, please take the British Council  if you haven’t done so already.

Not sure how to navigate the course? Watch a short introduction video.

Original course written by British Council and adapted for the Welsh context by WCIA.
