A guide for those who want to make their voice heard

When we look at the world around us, we see arguments everywhere. From family and friends making everyday decisions to decision-makers in parliament arguing about whether or not something should become law for a whole country. The world that we live in is shaped by conversation and the exchange and interplay of arguments allow us look at all the aspects of an idea before we rush into action.
One way that the world becomes unfair is when not everyone has the same skills to bring to an argument. Someone with excellent skills in persuasion can make even terrible ideas seem reasonable, whilst someone with few skills in communication can struggle to communicate important viewpoints and ideas.
For this reason, we have created this “first step” in argument making. This course will cover:
- How not to argue
- How to effectively harness the power of questions
- How to work concisely
- How to build an argument
- How to manage conflict during arguments
- How to defend your position
Before we get started, please complete this short self-assessment to see how you rate your own skills. We will do it again at the end.
Create your own user feedback surveyDon’t worry if you don’t feel very confident at this stage. That’s what this training is here for! You will find, the more you practice, the better you will become at all of these aspects of arguing and the more you will learn.
At the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA), we believe that everyone can contribute to creating a fairer and more peaceful world. Our debating is at the heart of that because it teaches people to think critically about arguments, to reflect on the information they are given and to express their opinions clearly. This year, we are excited to be able to offer this training to anyone who wants to be part of it and are grateful to our funders at the WCVA for seeing the potential for this project and supporting us in carrying it out.