These are some basic principles to underpin action on Global responsibility – for detailed ideas and examples, check out the other resources in the toolkit.
Understand the goal: Everyone involved in implementing the Well-being of Future Generations Act needs absolute clarity about what the globally responsible goal is, and isn’t.
Spot the token: It is great to celebrate successes but take a balanced measuring your impact– buying Fairtrade tea and coffee in the staff room is great, but shouldn’t be used to ignore human rights abuses in supply chains for your core materials, products and services. A simple starting point is that every time you ask ‘how are we contributing towards this goal?’ you also ask ‘how might we be stopping or harming progress against this goal?”
Evaluate progress! Get indicators and milestones are in place at all levels but avoid valuing only what is easy to measure.
Experiment, learn and share: We don’t have all the answers – use best available evidence but the complexity of these issues means there will be uncertainties, trade-offs and unknowns – these should be articulated where possible. These uncertainties shouldn’t be an excuse not to act; experiment, learn and share results.
Develop global citizenship: Create opportunities for people to become active global citizens, so they are better equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to support the delivery of the Well-being goals through the ways of working. Below is an example of global citizenship online training on Learning@Wales developed for NHS staff. Log in or create an account then search ‘global citizenship’.
Raise awareness and encourage critical discussion: Let people know about the Act and the goals and encourage debate and discussion. Collaborate across networks.
Money matters: ensure the financial and legal support is in place across sectors to make real change to procurement and investment practices. Ensure divestment from harmful industries.
Think economics: Promote a well-being economy at all levels – for example, by looking at circular products or supporting the foundational economy.
Inclusive internationalism: Make sure every person representing Wales on global issues or international partnerships is able to use language and practice of inclusivity and equity. The identities and cultures we celebrate in sports and arts and culture should come from across the communities of Wales.
Consistency not contradiction: Check actions and plans against the globally responsible Wales goal with support from relevant experts outside silos.
Bring people with you – not just in spirit: In these complex issues, there isn’t always a win-win – put appropriate financial and moral support in place so people who may lose out during transition are supported, for example, when reprioritising investments.