On 12 July WCIA were delighted to welcome representatives of Buddhist Peace movement Soka Gokkai International in Wales to the Temple of Peace, who have gifted a significant collection of contemporary books on peace building and cooperation to the Temple of Peace Library.
The SGI Peace Collection has been assembled through contributions from their members throughout Wales, covering a wide range of topics and issues. The donation is hoped to be for use of future generations and present-day researchers and students alike.
Publications include SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s annual ‘Peace Proposals’ submitted every year since 1983 to the United Nations and to governments and civil society world wide, each message focusing on the challenges and opportunities of securing world peace.
SGI in Wales and the Marches is a broad and vibrant community that brings together many hundreds of practising Buddhists with a shared passion to ‘faith into action’, with 28 local district ‘groups’ meeting regularly. Following the handover ceremony, representatives of SGI and WCIA enjoyed an hour-long discussion around scope for making the most of the collection within the Temple’s Library and Archives work, and wider scope for partnership working with WCIA into the future. Participants also joined in with a Temple Tour over lunchtime, exploring the history of the building and its many generations of peacemakers.
Ann Shabbaz, representing members of SGI-UK in Wales and the Marches, said “we’re delighted to have found what feels like the right ‘spiritual home’ for this important collection of peace publications and books, that have been very generously donated by our members.”
Craig Owen, WCIA Heritage Advisor, said, “We’re tremendously grateful to SGI for this incredibly generous donation of books to the Temple Library, and we hope to do justice to the collection through involving volunteers and placements over the year ahead in exploring projects and research that might emerge.”
With SGI celebrating their 40th Anniversary of activity in Wales and the Marches this Autumn, and WCIA celebrating our 50th Anniversary also in Octobe4r 2023, there was a shared sense of opportunity for WCIA to support SGI members across Wales and beyond to shape peace building over the decades ahead.
View album from SGI Visit to Wales’ Temple of Peace