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Date(s) - 04/07/2021
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
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Digwyddiad Academi Heddwch ac Eisteddfod Gerddorol Ryngwladol Llangollen
Trafodaeth a darlleniadau yng nghwmni tri bardd o Gymru a tri bardd o Wlad y Basg.
Trefnir ar y cyd â Wales PEN Cymru,Euskal PEN a Chyfnewidfa Lên Cymru.. Darperir cyfieithu ar y pryd.
Cofrestrwch am y digwyddiad yma
An Academi Heddwch Cymru and Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod event
Discussion and readings with three poets from Wales and three from the Basque Country.
Co-hosted with Wales PEN Cymru,Euskal PEN and Wales Literature Exchange. Simultaneous translation provided.
Register for the event here