Academi Heddwch yn y Taiji ar gyfer y Symposiwm Iechyd a Heddwch
At the beginning of September, Dr Bethan Sian Jones represented Academi Heddwch Cymru at the Norwegian Taiji Centre’s International Symposium Celebrating Taiji for Health and Peace which was held at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

In May this year, Academi Heddwch Cymru and the WCIA, with the support of the Welsh Government, welcomed 40 members of the Norwegian Taiji Centre to Wales as part of their 40th Anniversary Jubilee Celebrations. A conference was held on the 19th of May at the Temple of Peace and Health to bring ‘New perspectives and learning on the nature of peace’, with the Taiji practice aiming to support Wales on its journey to becoming a Nation of Sanctuary and a Nation of Peace. The delegation was welcomed by the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, who opened the event.
The Director of the Norwegian Taiji Centre, Pamela Hiley, who is originally from Wales, organised a Symposium in Norway at the beginning of September as a follow up from the conference in Cardiff for which I was privileged to receive an invite. The conference followed a distinctive structure consisting of lectures, round cluster discussions and interactive Taiji practice. The keynote speakers included:
Ingeborg Breines – peace pedagog, former President International Peace Bureau – “How to talk and act for peace and security in times of war”
Major General Kristin Lund (retired) – former leader of United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Middle East – “My experiences from armed conflict – does gender matter in conflict resolution?”
Åse Holmberg – family therapist – Associate Professor at VID. – “Giving resonance and room to spirituality in systemic practice”
Bjørn Haugland – CEO Skift – Climate Friendly Business in Norway Now
Egil Lo – the President Buddhist Federation of Norway – pursuing peace – appreciating opportunities
Bjørn Pettersen – Mt.Tron University of Peace – Whence? – Whither? – Why? Our Spiritual Dimension of Being

Welcome addresses were made by Pamela; Dr Bethan Sian Jones; Torkel Snellingen, Vice Chairman of the Norwegian Chinese Friendship Association, Oslo and Li Xikui, Vice President of China Peoples’ Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Beijing PR China. The attendees were guided through interactive Taiji practice with Pamela and her two sons; Bjarte Hiley and Allan Hiley. The event was closed with a blessing by Pamela and Sami Shaman, Eirik Myrhaug.
The conference was an eye-opening experience, and great connections were made. It was also a privilege to share with an international audience the vision and work of Academi Heddwch Cymru, including the centenary of the Welsh Women’s Peace Petition of 1923-24. Academi Heddwch would like to extend its thanks to Taith for providing this amazing opportunity.