Directions: From the Council Chamber, follow to the end of the ‘Peacemakers Timeline’ and corridor to the stairwell back down (into the ‘Health’ Wing)

In 1922, Wales’ first Youth Message of Peace and Goodwill was broadcast by the children of Wales to the world, expressing the hope after the horrors of WW1 that “there will be no need for any of us, as we grow older, to show our pride for the country in which we were born by going out to hate and to kill one another.”
Over the century, every generation of young people have been part of forming, sharing and responding to Wales’ Message of Peace and Goodwill; and this colourful montage displays the published covers of a century of peace messages, spotlighting the hopes and aspirations of successive generations of young people.
Founded by Rev Gwilym Davies and initially organised through the Welsh League of Nations Union (WCIA’s predecessor at the Temple of Peace), since the 1940s the message has inspired the humanitarian and international work of Urdd Gobaith Cymru, the Welsh Youth movement – with 1,500 branches and 50,000 members across the country.