Youth Peace Murals
Directions: The first floor corridor can be accessed from the top of both stairwells, where the linen hangings can be seen on the wall opposite the Council Chamber

The two linen hangings on the wall opposite the council chamber were created in 2014-2015, at the launch of WCIA’s #WW100 ‘Wales for Peace’ project, by graphic artist Laura Sorvala recording ‘live’ the conversations of young people around Welsh contributions towards the search for peace over the last hundred years. The LH hanging, in Welsh, was created at the Caerphilly Urdd Eisteddfod in Spring 2015; and the RH in English at the Wales for Peace project launch in Cardiff’s Pierhead on Remembrance Day, 11th November 2014.
Though both hangings have the same design style, if you look closely you’ll spot quite a number of differences – reflecting the different discussions and views expressed by Welsh and English speaking youth groups. For example, among their nominated ‘peace heroes’, English speakers prioritised Anne Frank and Nkosi Johnson, whilst Welsh children highlighted the poet Hedd Wyn, and the women of Greenham Common who protested against nuclear weapons. How many variations can you spot?