Theatr y Deml Heddwch ar gyfer Canmlwyddiant Apêl Merched 1923: Mewn Cymeriad yn perfformio ‘Annie Cwrt Mawr’, 1-2 Tachwedd

Over the weekend of 1-2 November, WCIA are excited to welcome Welsh theatre company Mewn Cymeriad to the Temple of Peace to perform their production of ‘Annie Cwrt Mawr‘:

“A one-woman play based on the life of Annie Jane Hughes

Griffiths. A campaigner for peace gave me a voice

Welsh women on equality and international issues.”

Annie Hughes Griffiths was President of WCIA’s historic predecessor body, the Welsh League of Nations Union (WLNU), in the 1920s and led the Welsh Women’s Peace Appeal to America of 1923, for which we are marking the centenary over 2023-24 through the Academi Heddwch / Lottery Heritage Funded project ‘Hawlio Heddwch’.

‘Annie Cwrt Mawr’ author Siwan Jones and director Janet Wentegg will be bringing Annie’s story to life through their recreation , with Anni Dafudd in the lead / one-woman role. The show will also be presented in a number of other venues Wales-wide over October and November 2023 – exactly 100 years on from the Wales-wide mobilisation that Annie coordinated, enabling 390,296 women to sign the Welsh Women’s Peace Petition.

For more information and to book tickets (for all venues, including the Temple of Peace), please visit Mewn Cymeriad: