Wales statement of solidarity and togetherness – Datganiad Cymru o undod a chydberthynas

Datganiad Cymru o undod a chydberthynas – Wales statement of solidarity and togetherness
We were shocked by the violent attack that took place in Southport last week and are deeply saddened by the murder of young girls as well as the injuries inflicted on the other victims. Our sympathies are with the victims, their families and friends.
Cawsom ein syfrdanu gan yr ymosodiad treisgar a ddigwyddodd yn Southport yr wythnos ddiwethaf ac rydym wedi ein tristau’n fawr gan lofruddiaeth tair merch fach yn ogystal â’r anafiadau a achoswyd i’r dioddefwyr eraill. Cydymdeimlwn â’r dioddefwyr, eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau.
The tragic attack in Southport has been used as a vehicle to incite hatred and to attempt to divide communities through the spread of disinformation and lies. The violence, racism and Islamophobia that this has caused does not represent who we are, nor the opinions of the vast majority of the people of Wales.
Mae’r ymosodiad trasig yn Southport wedi’i ddefnyddio fel cyfrwng i ysgogi casineb ac i geisio rhannu cymunedau trwy ledaenu gwybodaeth anghywir a chelwydd. Nid yw’r trais, yr hiliaeth ac Islamoffobia y mae hyn wedi’u hachosi yn cynrychioli pwy ydym ni, na barn y mwyafrif helaeth o bobl Cymru.
It is not right that people are afraid to attend the mosque for fear of attack, it is not right that a child faces racist slurs from their peers because of the colour of their skin and it is not right that a man threatens a woman for wearing a hijab. These things are happening on streets in Wales. We can do better than this.
Nid yw’n iawn fod pobl yn ofni mynd i’r mosg rhag ofn ymosodiad, nid yw’n iawn fod plentyn yn wynebu anfri hiliol gan ei gyfoedion oherwydd lliw eu croen ac nid yw’n iawn fod dyn yn bygwth menyw am wisgo hijab. Mae’r pethau hyn yn digwydd ar strydoedd Cymru. Gallwn wneud yn well na hyn.
We stand in solidarity with people experiencing racist hatred, Islamophobia and discrimination. We stand against behaviour which would seek to separate neighbour from neighbour or cast a shadow of otherness on any group of people.
Rydym yn sefyll mewn undod â phobl sy’n profi casineb hiliol, Islamoffobia a gwahaniaethu. Rydym yn sefyll yn erbyn ymddygiad a fyddai’n ceisio gwahanu cymydog oddi wrth gymydog neu daflu cysgod arallrwydd ar unrhyw grŵp o bobl.
Wales has a strong and proud history of welcome, diversity and inclusion. If Wales is to help address the great challenges we face – climate and nature emergency, widening economic inequality, war and other injustices – then we need a society that is built on kindness, connection and respect.
Mae gan Gymru hanes cryf a balch o groeso, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Os yw Cymru am helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau mawr sy’n ein hwynebu – newid hinsawdd, tŵf anghydraddoldeb economaidd, rhyfel ac anghyfiawnderau eraill – yna mae arnom angen cymdeithas sydd wedi’i hadeiladu ar garedigrwydd, cysylltiad a pharch.
We ask all people of Wales to value one another and to remember that our strength comes from our openness compassion, and a willingness to come together as friends, neighbours, and colleagues – we are all humans on this one planet we share regardless of skin colour, religious belief or nationality.
Gofynnwn i holl bobl Cymru werthfawrogi ein gilydd a chofio bod ein cryfder yn dod o’n didwylledd, ein tosturi a’n parodrwydd i ddod at ein gilydd fel ffrindiau, cymdogion a chydweithwyr – rydyn ni i gyd yn fodau dynol ar yr un blaned hon rydym ni’n ei rhannu waeth beth fo lliw’r croen, cred grefyddol neu genedligrwydd.
We all want a fairer and more peaceful world – this can only be achieved if we choose togetherness over division, dignity over dehumanisation, love over hate, kindness over cruelty.
Rydym ni i gyd eisiau byd tecach a mwy heddychlon – dim ond os ydym yn dewis undod dros raniad, urddas dros ddad-ddyneiddio, cariad dros gasineb, caredigrwydd dros greulondeb, y gellir cyflawni hyn.
As you walk the streets of Wales today, please be kind, smile, say hello and remember: ‘we have far more in common than that which divides us’.
Wrth i chi gerdded strydoedd Cymru heddiw, byddwch yn garedig, gwenwch, dywedwch helo a chofiwch, ‘mae gennym lawer mwy yn gyffredin na’r hyn sy’n ein rhannu’.

Cefnogir gan – Supported by:
Abergavenny & District Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Aberystwyth Nature Connection & Forest Bathing
Academi Heddwch Cymru
Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
Amgueddfa Torfaen Museum
Amnesty International UK / Cymru
Amnesty Monmouthshire
Anglesey Sea Zoo Marine Conservation Centre
Artes Mundi
ArtISan Avenue
Asylum Justice
Asylum Matters
Awel Amen Tawe
Benthyg Cymru
Beth Winter former MP Cynon Valley
Bethan Sayed former MS
Bevan Foundation
Cadwch Gymru’n Daclus – Keep Wales Tidy
Caerphilly for Palestine
CAFOD South Wales
Campaign for National Parks
Canolfan y Dechnoleg Amgen – Centre for Alternative Technology
Cardiff Civic Society
Cardiff People’s Assembly
Cardiff Quakers
Cardiff Reading Room
Cardiff Stop the War Coalition
Cardiff Women’s Aid
Cardigan Extinction Rebellion
Care & Repair Cardiff & the Vale
Care & Repair Cymru
Care & Repair Monmouthshire & Torfaen
Care & Repair Powys
Caredig Ltd
Christine Chapman former AM for Cynon Valley
Circular Newport
Citizens Cymru Wales
Climate and Community
Climate Cymru
Climate Shop
Clynfyw Care Farm
CND Cymru
Coastal Housing Group
Colegau Cymru
Common Cause Foundation
Community Housing Cymru
Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services
Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales
Cwtch Mawr
Cyfarfod Crynwyr Rhanbarth De Cymru – South Wales Area Quaker Meeting
Cyfarfod Crynwyr Tyddewi
Cymdeithas Cludiant Cymunedol | Community Transport Association
Cymdeithas Eryri Snowdonia Society
Cymdeithas y Cymod
Cymdeithas Ymddireidolaethau Datblygu Cymru – Development Trusts Association Wales
Cymdeithas yr Iaith
Cymorth Cristnogol Cymru / Christian Aid Wales
Cymorth Cymru
Cymru Queers for Palestine
Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales
Dant y Llew CIC
Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG)
Derek Walker – Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol Cymru – Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Disability Labour
Disability Wales
Displaced People in Action (DPIA)
Diverse Cymru
Dolen Cymru Lesotho
Egni Cooperative
Extinction Rebellion Cymru
EYST Wales
Faith in Families
FareShare Cymru
Ffair Jobs CIC
Ffotogallery Wales Ltd
Ffynnone Community Resilience
Foothold Cymru
Forest Bathing – Shinrin Yoku Guided Sessions
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd
Glitter Cymru
Global Justice Now
Grange Pavilion CIO
Green Squirrel CIC
Growing Space Pontypridd
Hay Community Resilience Initiative
Hay Public
Heddwch ar Waith (Peace Action Wales)
Heddwch Nain / Mamgu (Grandmother’s Peace)
Heledd Fychan MS
Human Rights Stakeholder Group (HRSG) Wales
Institute of Welsh Affairs
Jill Evans former MEP
Learning Disability Wales
Maindee Unlimited
Mick Antoniw MS
Monmouthshire Housing
Morning Star
MS Society Cymru
National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) – Wales
National Theatre Wales
Natur Pontypridd
Newport Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Nkechi Allen Dawson (Race Council Cymru)
Nomad Reading Darllen Nomad C.B.C.
North Wales Housing Association
Oasis One World Choir
Our Food 1200
Oxfam Cymru
Pete’s Shop Limited
Platfform for Change
Remembering Srebrenica Wales
Repair Cafe Wales
Rhondda Cynon Taf Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Rhondda Cynon Taff Trades Union Council
RSP Sprinkler Systems
Seas The Opportunity Ltd
Size of Wales | Maint Cymru
Skills and Volunteering Cymru (SVC)
Social Farms & Gardens Cymru
Stop Climate Chaos Cymru
Stop the War Cymru
Stori Cymru
Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel
Sustainable Wales
Tai Pawb
Tai Tarian
Tempo Time Credits
The Bottega Project CIC
The Canopi CIC
The Co-production Network for Wales
The Fabulous Facilitator
The Mentor Ring
The One Planet Centre
The Sustainable Studio
The Welsh Centre for International Affairs
Thomas Dunn – Advisor Climate Cymru
Tir Natur
Tir Pontypridd
Torfaen Access Forum
TPAS Cymru
Trans Pride Cardiff
Undod Chwith Cymru
Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Valleys to Coast
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Wales Somaliland Community
Wellbeing Economy Cymru
Welsh Labour Grassroots
Welsh Refugee Council
WEN Wales
Wild Roots Kitchen & Bar
Y Siop Fach Sero CIC
Zoë Binning Ltd.