Aberystwyth – Cardiganshire Family History Society Talk on 1924 Women’s Peace Appeal

Apêl Merched dros Heddwch 1924-2024 The Women’s Peace Appeal @ Morlan

Gyda Cymdeithas Hanes Teuluoedd Ceredigion / with Cardiganshire Family History Society.

Hosted by Morlan

Dewch draw i ddysgu mwy am Apêl Menywod dros Heddwch 1923-24 , ar y canmlwyddiant 2023-24.

Dewch i glywed hanes merched Cymru yn trefnu ymgyrch rhyfeddol dros heddwch byd-eang. Casglwyd bron i 400,000 o lofnodion ar Doeiseb Coffa a chyflwynwyd yr Apêl i ferched America.

Mae Craig Owen yn Gynghorydd Treftadaeth i Ganolfan Gymreig Materion Rhyngwladol yn Nheml Heddwch ac Iechyd Cymru yng Nghaerdydd, ac mae wedi bod yn ymwneud â datgelu’r stori y tu ôl i ddeiseb heddwch y merched ers ei ‘ailddarganfod’ yn 2014, a dod ag ‘Dyddiadur Annie‘ – cofnod o’u Taith Heddwch Americanaidd 1924 – i gynulleidfa ehangach. Ar hyn o bryd mae Craig yn gwneud MPhil gydag Adran Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol Prifysgol Aberystwyth, ar Hanes Rhyngwladoliaeth Gymreig.

Mae Siân Howys yn aelod o Tim Prosiect Cymunedol sy’n cynnal gweithgareddau canmlwyddiant i gofio, dathlu a gwireddu etifeddiaeth y merched gan gynnwys trawsgrifio’r Ddeiseb fel adnodd digidol.


Come along and learn more about the Women’s Peace Appeal of 1923-24, and its centenary 2023-24.

Come and hear the story of the women of Wales and their amazing campaign for world peace. They collected nearly 400,000 signatures on a Memorial Petition and presented the Appeal to the women of America.

Craig Owen is Heritage Advisor to the Welsh Centre for Internatioanl Affairs at Wales’ national Temple of Peace & Health in Cardiff, and has been involved with uncovering the story behind the women’s peace petition since its ‘rediscovery’ in 2014, and with bringing ‘Annie’s Diary‘ – a record of their 1924 American Peace Tour – to a wider audience. Craig is currently undertaking an MPhil with Aberystwyth University’s Dept of International Politics, on the History of Welsh Internationalism.

Siân Howys is a member of the Community Project Team arranging centenary activities to remember, celebrate and realise the women’s legacy including transcribing the Petition as a digital resource.

Free bilingual event, in partnership with Cardiganshire Family History Society, hosted by Morlan Community Centre for Faith & Culture.