Online Biodiversity MockCOP/MockCOP Bioamrywiaeth Digidol

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Date(s) - 23/09/2021
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


A model UN which will bring students together to discuss climate change.

A WCIA,Size of Wales and WWF event

This year not only is COP26 taking place, the most important global meeting on climate change, but so is COP15, the Biodiversity Convention. To make our MockCOP programme more interesting this year, we are offering your school the chance to come and take part in a different MockCOP, this time about global action to protect the world’sbiological diversity. With the World Wildlife Fund(WWF) supporting this event, MockCOP15 will be a different and exciting MockCOP experience. Sign up to find out more.

What is MockCOP?

Each year, countries assemble to discuss strategies and suggestions for the world to tackle climate change. This has become known as the Conference of Parties or COP. Our Mock COP event gives pupils the opportunity to experience a Mock COP of their own and have a chance to join our Youth Climate Ambassadors Network, where young people work together with our experts to make their voices heard on climate change!

Each school will be assigned a country to research and represent on the day, and are then asked to send a delegation of three students to represent their country at the conference. During the event, they will propose resolutions and amendments and negotiate their country’s position. MockCOP 2021 is open to pupils in Year 9-13.

This is a fantastic opportunity to deliver cross-curricular learning and develop ‘ethical informed citizens of Wales and the World’, while also supporting learners to make an impact on the crucial issue of climate change. Learners will:

· Develop knowledge of different nations and their perspectives

· Learn how the UN and international cooperation works

· Develop knowledge of global issues and how they are interlinked

· Build skills in speaking and listening, research, negotiation, conflict resolution and compromise

· Develop empathy and self-confidence

· Plan projects in their own schools and communities on climate change


In order to deliver the project, participant data will be shared between the partners and the funder.

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