What should a behaviour change strategy look like?

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Date(s) - 19/02/2022
1:00 pm


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A public engagement plan is due to be published in Spring 2022, followed by a 6-year behaviour change strategy in the Summer, which is aimed at individuals.

A Climate Change Committee report in 2020 noted that societal and behaviour change could significantly reduce Wales’ carbon footprint, along with low carbon technologies and other measures.

The strategy will therefore take a “Team Wales” approach to engaging citizens in climate change issues and provide a menu of options to encourage people to implement changes into their daily lives which will ultimately reduce Wales’ carbon footprint.

See Welsh Government Net Zero Wales Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25) (page 42) for further details.

We would like to gather views from the Climate Cymru network on the proposed behaviour change strategy, for example, what could the strategy look like and how can we get the best possible outcome for people and the planet? What needs to happen to ensure people feel the strategy is relevant to their lives?

We hope to present your views to Welsh Government so please contribute by joining us at this facilitated discussion.