Professional Learning
At the WCIA, we believe that Global Learning (Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship – ESDGC) is fundamental both globally and in our day to day lives. We strive to deliver the highest quality events, training, classroom materials and courses. All our key messages and methodologies are based on sound educational research. Over the past two years, we have worked with the Welsh Government in the development of the Curriculum for Wales, authored high-quality classroom materials and delivered training to thousands of teachers in Wales.
All of our inset courses are interactive and designed as a series of hands-on workshops, sharing best practice, and covering a wide range of skills, competencies and subjects. Our training ranges in length from twilight to two days and is delivered across Wales in the most relevant language for that participants. All materials are available bilingually and are freely available to participants electronically for use in school.
We have several courses available online which can either be used independently or in conjunction with a face-to-face session. Get in touch with our Global Learning Manager on for more information.