Debate training
Debating is a fantastic tool to help people make and reflect upon arguments about the world that we live in. It supports:
- ability to develop informed viewpoints and share them with others
- ability to compete and strengthen arguments
- development of an open-minded approach to the world
- development of citizenship skills
- engagement in current affairs
- enables critical thinking about ideas from a variety of sources
We have two online debate training courses:
- Beginners – suitable for anyone age 10+, this course introduces common pitfalls in making and argument and gives people the building blocks of how to argue effectively >>Start course here
- Going futher: suitable for anyone age 14+, this course explores how to imrpove debating technique and explores how to take part in competitive debating >> Start course here
You will need to register the first time you take our courses – follow the link and click enrol.
Resources for facilitators and teachers
We’ve developed a simple version of this course for face-to-face training. The session plan and PowerPoint below has everything you need to run these sessions. If you’d like us to run a session, get in touch on
In collaboration with international partners, we have created a toolkit for teachers which uses many of the techniques in this course and explains ideas using lesson plans, worksheets and top tips.
We believe that everyone can contribute to creating a fairer and more peaceful world. Our debating is at the heart of that because it teaches people to think critically about arguments, to reflect on the information they are given and to express their opinions clearly. This year, we are excited to be able to offer this training for free and are grateful to our funders at the WCVA for seeing the potential for this project and supporting us in carrying it out.