Schools often find it useful to see a P4C session in action, delivered by an experienced facilitator, before they try out the method themselves.
We can deliver these sessions (known in P4C circles as ‘enquiries’) with any age group, either as stand-alone lessons or in conjunction with one of our training courses.
Ideally, up to 90 minutes should be set aside for a classroom demonstration (or perhaps a shorter time for younger/less able learners). They are unlikely to be perfect lessons, as most pupils will not be used to P4C or the facilitator, and ground rules will need to be established first. However, they are perfect for helping teachers understand how the method works.
Rates are as follows:
Classroom demonstration with 1 teacher observing
£50 per hour for CEWC members
£70 per hour for non-members
Classroom demonstration with more than 1 teacher observing (therefore considered to have a training element)
£50 per hour for CEWC members
£80 per hour for non-members
To book please email