Globally Responsible Wales Resources
Are you involved in implementing the Well-being of Future Generations Act? Would you like to make a stronger contribution towards global responsibility?
These pages contain and signpost to the useful resources you need to contribute towards a Globally Responsible Wales, one of the seven goals in the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. This set of resources was drawn together with input from experts across Wales.
Understanding the goal
Any action to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, takes account of whether doing such a thing may make a positive contribution to global well-being.
The Globally Responsible Wales goal requires us to consider how our actions taken here in Wales may make a positive contribution to global wellbeing. This goal reflects the people of Wales’ care for the world and people outside of Wales, as highlighted in the Wales We Want 2014 and the civil society efforts to secure this goal in the Act.
The picture below gives an illustration of what we mean by the goal – to make a positive contribution, we need to stop doing harm.