Belief and Action: Objecting to Conflict

Through the decades, generations have protested against conflict – from the Conscientious Objectors of World War One, to Campaigners for Nuclear Disarmament and the 2003 Stop the War rallies against the British invasion of Iraq. WCIA’s ‘Belief and Action’ project and exhibition between 2016-19, explored Wales’ heritage of resistance to war and in particular, the precedent set by Conscientious Objectors whose refusal to kill during WW1 established the right enjoyed by all of us today to voice opposition to state conflict. Over 2019-20 WCIA have worked closely with CND Cymru to digitise the ‘Heddwch Archives’, documenting anti-nuclear campaigning over 4 decades culminating in the 2017 Nuclear Ban Treaty coming into force from 2021.