WCIA aims to ‘bridge the gap’ between Welsh civil society and communities, academia and policy-makers (Wales, UK, Europe and internationally) in connecting policy and practice – joining global thinking with effective, practical action, and vice versa.
Over 2014-19, WCIA’s (HLF funded) Wales for Peace programme supported the networking and further development of a wide range of academic and civil society initiatives – which will continue over 2019-24 through our Global Action programme – aiming to deepen:
- knowledge and understanding of Wales’ Peace Heritage;
- the influence of internationalism on Wales’ identity, politics and national outlook today; and
- impact on current affairs in shaping Wales role in the World for future generations.
As well as publishing WCIA’s own series of Peacemakers Features, which draw together huge swathes of research and work outputs from multiple contributors, collaborations continue with academics across a range of disciplines and institutions.
Work undertaken through the Wales for Peace programme over 2014-19 included postgraduate research, undergraduate and student placements, and academic / civil society conferences and learning exchanges; some key examples include:
Supporting Postgraduate / Doctoral Research and Publications
- ‘A New Mecca’ – the Temple of Peace as a Cultural Icon – Dr Emma West, University of Birmingham Dept of Literature and Cultural Studies / British Academy Fellow.
- Lord David Davies, Wales and the World – Dr Jan Ruzicka, Aberystwyth University Dept of International Politics and Chair of David Davies Memorial Institute.
- Wales and the League of Nations – Dr Tomas Irish and Stuart Booker, University of Swansea (History).
- Welsh Internationalism and Civil Society – Dr. Elin Royles, Aberystwyth University Dept of International Relations.
- Opposition to the First World War in Wales and Conscientious Objectors – Dr Aled Eirug, Swansea University History Dept – Steering Group and contributor for ‘Belief and Action’ exhibition.
- Pearce Register of Conscientious Objectors – Dr Cyril Pearce, University of Huddersfield – Cyril has generously contributed his ‘life’s research’ into COs, to enable WCIA to offer a searchable database of Welsh COs via our Peace Map.
- Tracing the Belgian Refugees – Christian Declercq, University College London and University of Gent, Belgium.
- The Extent of Military Presence and Influence in Wales – commissioned by Wales Peace Institute Initiative, and publicised by WCIA / Wales for Peace.
- Philosophy and the Temple of Peace – Huw Williams, Cardiff University (Philosophy & Communications)
- 95 years of the Peace & Goodwill Message – Siwan Fflur Dafydd, Birmingham University
- Cardiff Peace Trail book and app – Jon Gower, Author & Broadcaster
- ‘Daring to Defy’: Conscientious Objectors in Briton Ferry – Philip Adams
- ‘Pilgrim of Peace’: A Life of George M Ll Davies – Jen Llewellyn, Aberystwyth University (History)
- Women’s Petition & Peace Pilgrimage – Lowri Ifor ap Glyn, Bangor University (Welsh)
- ‘The Eagle and the Dove’ – CND Cymru History and 1980s Peace campaigning – Bethan Sian Jones , Aberystwyth University (History & Welsh History)
Undergraduate Research Placements
- A Survey of Peace Institutes Worldwide, 2015 – Emily Forbes, Cardiff University
- Conscientious Objectors Day ‘Hidden Histories’ Research Features, 2015 – Judith Newbold, Cardiff University
- Heritage of Volunteering in Cardiff, 2016 – Hannah Sweetapple, Cardiff Uni History Dept / VCS ‘Chronicle Project’ (Santander-funded 3 month placement)
- Attitudes to Peace Surveys, 2017 – Trystan Cullinan, Aberystwyth University Political Studies
- Temple of Peace Archives placement, Rob Laker (Swansea Uni History) & Emily Franks (Cardiff Uni Conservation), Summer 2019
Bringing Academics Together and Sharing Research
- ‘Challenging Histories’ 2016 Conference – working with Dr. Jenny Kidd, Cardiff University JOMEC School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies
- Flanders Wales Symposium, Nov 2017 – Cymru’n Cofio and Cardiff University (featured a number Wales for Peace supported research projects)
- Wales ‘Peace History’ Conference Sept 2018 – Prof Mererid Hopwood, University of Wales Trinity St David’s Literature Dept.
- ‘Finding the Belgian Refugees’ conference(s), Leuven University, Brussels 13 Sept 2018 – Christian Declercq and Alison Fell, University of Leeds; Tony Vitti, Refugees in Rhyl; and Janet Bradshaw, Belgian Refugees in Laugharne.
- ‘Remembering the Peacemakers of WW1‘ – WW100 Armistice 2019 Commemoration conference in Blaenau Ffestiniog led by Dr Aled Eirug, Ifor ap Glyn and Liz Saville Roberts MP.
- Temple80 – The Legacy of the WW100 Centenary with Sir Deian Hopkin (First Minister’s Special Advisor on WW1), Dr Aled Eirug and Prof Mererid Hopwood
- Temple80 – Women, War and Peace Seminar with Dr Lee Karen Stow, University of Hull; Dr Dinah Evans, University of Bangor; Katrina Gass, WILPF; Iona Price, Heddwch Nain Mamgu; Bethan Sian Jones, CND; Frankie Armstrong, Songwriter.