Moving towards equality

Below, there are a few case studies of issues occuring in partnerships. Choose one of the case studies that interests you, then answer the questions below the case study in the space below

A problem with language

Schools A and B are having real trouble getting their partnership off the ground because of language. School A is mostly English speaking but School B is not. Whilst school B has some teachers who speak English, authority is very important to them. Consequently, whenever they are on skype or communicating directly, it is key that the Headteachers are on the call. However, the Headteachers don’t speak very good English and therefore feel excluded from the communication. What can they do to:

  1. Improve the communication between schools?
  2. Manage the authority structures so each part of the team has a role?

A problem with money

Schools G and H are becoming frustrated with one another over visits. School G has visited school H several times and is becoming irritated that it is a “one-way partnership”. School H is frustrated that they have very little in the way of funding and are expected to host very regularly with no thought to the expense it costs them. Can you:

  1. Suggest a project that might resolve the issue
  2. Consider ways to repair the anger the schools feel towards each other?

A problem with time and support

Schools I and J are becoming frustrated with one another. School I is an affluent and well supported community school and their staff have given a lot of time and energy to creating a whole curriculum around Connecting Classrooms through Global Citizenship. Unfortunately, school J does not have either the time or the support to develop this kind of approach and are putting much less time into the project. What can they do to:

  1. Make their contributions more equitable?
  2. Develop a better working relationship?

A problem with skills

Schools K and L are becoming frustrated with one another. The team in school K insist one kind of project is the best way forward while the team at school L feel it is unachievable in the time frames they have been given. Both schools feel the other team is being unreasonable and will not back down. What would you suggest they do?

A. To develop their understanding of the partner school’s perspective
B. To create an equitable project
C. To create a better working relationship

A problem with personal qualities

Schools M and N do not get along. At school M, they have a culture of honesty and dynamism. If they have a problem, they address it directly and are very comfortable criticizing ideas in order to find the best outcome. At school N, they have a culture of care and harmony. If they have a problem, they discuss how it has impacted on personnel and then they consider how best to work with personal strengths to move forward. Currently, the two schools have a plan in place for what they want to achieve this year but school N isn’t happy with it. Can you:

  1. Identify what both schools have to learn from each other
  2. Suggest short-term ways to support their communication?