Susie Ventris Field (Chief Exec of WCIA) and Claire O’Shea (as Chair of WOAG) represent the international sector on the Third Sector Partnership Council – an opportunity for the third sector in Wales to feed into Welsh Government policy. Here, we share a few updates on recent activity and some upcoming opportunities for you to give input. If you’d like issues to be raised at TSPC meetings, or you’d like to get more closely involved in influencing policy on international issues in Wales, please email
- We continue to campaign around the Nationality and Borders Act as expressed in our statement and the plans to deport people seeking sanctuary to Rwanda. Along with over 250 other organisations, we are signatories to Refugee Action’s pledge to fight the anti-refugee laws
- There is a new Cross Party Group on Peace and Reconciliation with Academi Heddwch (hosted by WCIA) acting as secretariat. We’ll share opportunities to get involved as they arise.
- We launched a Peace Education Policy Paperwith case studies from within and beyond Wales. This was presented to the Cross Party Group above.
Opportunities to give views
- Climate Cymru is involved in the Welsh Government’s biodiversity deep dive and is also collecting views around public engagement and behaviour change. Climate Cymru also launched a policy forum for climate and nature policy people in Wales – find out more and get involved here
- TSPC meetings coming up over the next 4 months with Ministers – please let us know if there are key issues you would like us to raise on behalf of the international sector
Taith pathway 1 applications have been submitted, and now there is discussion about Taith pathway 2 (broadly similar to Erasmus+ Key Action 2) – get in touch if there are views you want to share on how this programme should be shaped