The Value of the third sector in Wales

The Welsh Centre for International Affairs represents the International Sector on the Third Sector Partnership Council.

Our policy focus at the moment is:


  • A Values-based approach in the draft International Strategy for Wales
  • Global citizenship in the new Curriculum for Wales
  • The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, in particular, Globally Responsible Wales
  • The impact of Brexit on the international sector


If you would like to get involved in policy responses on these issues, please contact

We have a number of meetings for different parts of the sector, a Slack channel to discuss policy developments and we also work collaboratively on policy responses on Google Docs.

The main purpose of the Third Sector Partnership Council is to make sure that the principles set out in the Third Sector Scheme are put into practice. It also provides an opportunity for the sector to raise issues of interest or concern. It generally does not discuss issues that relate to only one area of interest (these can be taken up through biannual ministerial meetings) and as a national body it is concerned with issues affecting all of Wales.


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