Visiting the Temple of Peace

Wales’ Temple of Peace and Health is very much a working building, hosting international charities and organisations who work with communities Wales-wide on issues World-wide. The building is open to the public for events and functions, but if you’df like to find out more about the history we encourage prospective visitors to join one of WCIA’s regular ‘Temple Tours’ and open doors days – when the Library and Archives can also be made accessible by request.

Temple Tour Dates for 2024-25

WCIA offer monthly guided tours of the Temple of Peace, starting from the Temple’s Reception area. Dates are listed on WCIA’s Events homepage, and on Eventbrite – please register via the Eventbrite booking link (there is no cost, but any donations towards the Temple’s Heritage volunteers’ work are gratefully received).

View / Download or Print ‘Architect of Peace’ – this summarises the Architecture, Construction, and Story of Wales’ Temple of Peace from 1920s to today.

For Venue Hire / Room Bookings, or ‘drop in’ visits to resident organisations, please scroll down.

Self-Guided Temple Tours

Hall of Nations

Visiting Organisations based at the Temple of Peace

The following organisations are headquartered within the Temple’s ‘Peace’ Wing’ (bottom floor, north corridor). Visitors are advised to make any ‘drop-in’ appointments in advance (as staff mostly work Wales-wide), via the following contacts:

Venue Hire

If you are seeking a memorable venue for your own event, explore WCIA’s Temple of Peace Venue Hire packages – from 121 meetings to weddings, conferences and film shoots. Temple Tours can also be offered as an ‘optional extra’ for venue hire customers (subject to availability of staff / volunteers) – please discuss with the Venue Team on booking to find out if this unique and inspiring experience can be arranged to complement your event.