Global Natters’ Christmas Carol

Written by Volunteer Clara Morer Andrades


The 13th of December, it was held the last session of this year 2021 of Global Natters. In this occasion, the topic focused on Christmas and its celebration around the world. Taking all required measures to assure the safety standards and current regulations, for the first time, participants were able to meet in person.

The afternoon started with some observations about how the different churches, Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox understand and celebrated Christmas.

“It is interesting to see how, despite having Christianity in common, each has its own customs and even rituals”

Later on, each participant added their personal experience and explain how this festivity is lived in regions like Spain, Catalonia, Ethiopia, Wales, or England.

“I thought that Christmas was starting for all of us the night of the 24th and then end the 26th, but in this Global Natters I learned that there are countries that it goes on until the 6th of January, or even, like in Ethiopia, Christmas does not start until the 7th!”

The session concluded with the host recalling past events of the year and presenting the calendar (soon available in this webpage) for the upcoming year 2022.  

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