As every month, on Wednesday 13th of April, it took place Global Natters’ fourth session of the year, this time in person. On this occasion, the debate was focused on the Global Economy and the impact that this topic has on every aspect of our lives.
The discussion started by referring to the following podcast: The Bunker Daily: How Britain Embraced the Super-Rich.
The podcast highlights different arguments and perspectives that revolve around the question, why is Britain so accommodating to the super-rich? And how the United Kingdom came to assist kleptocrats to the extent we see today.
As we are facing a very complex topic, we discussed a wide range of issues: politics, power structure, climate change, unequal opportunities, education, and peace and war. With regard to this latter issue, the podcast also speaks about the Britannic role in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“The problem isn’t Russian money, it’s money. And if it wasn’t Russian money it would be someone else’s money.”
Oliver Bullough, author of Butler to the World.
One of the conclusions we drew from the session lies in the small actions we can do as citizens and human beings. But also reflected on the crucial paper of every country in pursuit of common solutions and global cooperation.
If you would like to join us in the forthcoming session, stay in touch to know which will be the new topic for our next Global Natters.
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