Invitation to tender – Gwahoddiad i Dendro

Gwerthuswr Allanol: Hawlio HeddwchProsiect Deiseb Heddwch y Menywod / External Evaluator: Hawlio Heddwch – Women’s Peace Petition Project

Gweler ynghlwm wahoddiad dwyieithog i dendro ar ran Academi Heddwch Cymru. Mae croeso i chi anfon y tendr ymlaen at unrhyw un a allai fod â diddordeb. Dyddiad cau 10 Mehefin 2024.

Please find attached a bilingual invitation to tender on behalf of Academi Heddwch Cymru. You are welcome to forward the tender to anyone who might be interested. Closing date 10 June 2024.

Deiseb Heddwch Menywod Cymru – Welsh Women’s Peace Petition 1923-24