Craig Owen – Biography and Research Profile


Craig Owen visiting the Wales Africa Linking project Labata Fantalle in Ethiopia, 2012.

Craig has been a leading figure in Welsh Internationalism over the last 2 decades, having worked with Oxfam Cymru, the Make Poverty History campaign, the Tsunami Relief Programme in Indonesia, founded and established Wales Africa Community Links through WCVA (Wales Council for Voluntary Action), and led the ‘Wales for Peace’ programme over the #WW100 commemoration period 2014-19 with WCIA (the Welsh Centre for International Affairs) from Wales’ iconic Temple of Peace and Health. Craig grew up in Herefordshire and New Zealand, before studying in Aberystwyth (1994-99) where he became very active in Wales’ student movement, in LGBT and global campaigns.

He has returned to studies as a Postgraduate, following a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma – Blood and Bone Marrow Cancer – which limits mobility and requires regular chemotherapy treatment. Determined not to let Cancer derail his drive for global action, he’s turned his attention to researching and writing up the ‘History of Welsh Internationalism’ – alongside his ongoing role as Heritage Advisor at the Temple of Peace. Through the COVID pandemic and shielding, he is primarily home-based in Herefordshire. His interests (beyond internationalism / heritage) include outdoor pursuits, travelling, railway history and modelling, cooking and genealogy.   

Craig Owen in Pretoria, South Africa visiting the 2014 CIVICUS World Congress on behalf of WCVA.

Research Features by Craig Owen