Y Drenewydd | Newtown, Powys – Apêl Merched dros Heddwch | Women’s Peace Appeal Workshop

Dewch i glywed hanes Merched Cymru a’u hymgyrch rhyfeddol dros heddwch. Casglwyd bron i 400,000 lofnodion ar Ddeiseb Goffa.

Mae Siân Howys yn aelod o Dim Prosiect Cymunedol y Ddeiseb ac mae’n apelio am wirfoddolwyr i drawsgrifior Ddeiseb fel adnodd digidol.

Digwyddiad dwyieithog am ddim.


Come and hear the story of the Women of Wales and their amazing campaign for peace. They collected nearly 400,000 signatures on a Memorial Petition.

Siân Howys is a member of the Petition’s Community Project Team and is appealing for volunteers to transcribe the Petition as a digital resource.

Free bilingual event.