
‘Peace100’ flyer – Click to download & print

In Spring 1922, the Welsh League of Nations Union (WLNU) – predecessor to today’s Welsh Centre for International Affairs – was founded out of the ashes of the First World War, to support communities Wales-wide to mobilise Welsh public opinion in support of world peace and cooperation. The WLNU quickly grew to become one of Wales’ biggest social movements, with over 1,000 community branches with 60,000 members actively campaigning on world issues of the day – with some remarkable campaigns that have left an indelible legacy on Welsh society and culture to this day.

Over 2022-24, WCIA and partners Wales-wide will be celebrating the centenary of the WLNU, and a number of other anniversaries of significance to the peace movement and to Wales. WCIA are bringing these together under the banner of ‘Peace100’ – and will be coordinating a series of volunteering and community projects, as well as features and social media posts bringing together archives resources and hidden histories.