Wales for Peace in Ukraine

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Date(s) - 01/03/2022
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


A partnership event between the Welsh Centre for International Affairs and Academi Heddwch


As we watch the worsening situation unfold in Ukraine, it is easy to feel distressed and helpless. This partnership event is aimed at developing our knowledge and understanding of what is happening in Ukraine and the global politics behind it. We will hear from speakers with expertise on the region and in education for peace building and cultural diplomacy. The event will be an opportunity for us to come together to ask questions and share views on what the people of Wales can usefully do at this time. We will also collectively share a moment of solidarity and reflection in support of all people affected.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Jenny Mathers, Senior Lecturer in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University
  • Professor Cara Aitchison, President and Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff Metropolitan University

Register here

“The attacks in Ukraine remind us that our world today is not free of war nor of the threat of war. This is why we need to work together to develop imaginative policies that de-escalate the possibility of military conflict and build a culture of peace. And as the war is waged, we should be getting ready to deal with the humanitarian fallout.” Academi Heddwch

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