Opposite the Entrance Archway, the wooden bench can be easily identified by its engraved inscription.

WCIA’s Heritage Lottery Funded ‘Wales for Peace’ programme marked WW100 over 2014-19 – the centenary of the ‘war that was to end war’ – through exploring the big question: “In the 100 years since WW1, how has Wales contributed to the search for peace?”
This bench is dedicated to over 800 volunteers and 100 community groups and schools Wales-wide who answered the call… uncovering a thousand hidden histories, and inspiring a ‘new generation of internationalists’ to take action for peace today. Their 7 themes of action – ‘Peace Pathways’ – are inspired by the Peace Flag of the 1960s anti-nuclear and 2002 anti-war movements. Sit, relax and reflect…
What in the world do you care most about?