Unveiled in 2005, this was the first monument to Conscientious Objectors in Wales. Sponsored through Cynefin y Werin, a Welsh peace campaigning network, the stone is dedicated to those who have refused to take part in war due to religious, philosophical or moral objections in WW1 and WW2 – and in every conflict that where peacemakers have had the courage and conviction to stand up against killing.
“If the right to life is the first of all human rights
Being the one on which all other rights depend;
The right to refuse to kill must be the second.”
Inscription on Wales’ COs Memorial Stone
Re-enacting WW1 Tribunals
In Autumn 2018, Cyfarthfa Castle Museum ran a film project with young people from Merthyr Tydfil, exploring archives from Conscientious Objectors Tribunals over 1916-18 – where those who had applied for exemption from Military Service were ‘tried’.