Friday 15th, in Swansea, marked the last day of Hub Cymru Africa’s conference series #SummerUndod2022. Addressing the topic of sustainable livelihoods, different companies and project developers explained how they are conducting their business to assure sustainable growth and fair trade. A special emphasis was given to the links between Wales and Africa.
For the second part of the conference, different tables were set for people to discuss and network. The topics were: Climate Change hosted by the Centre for Africa Entrepreneurship and Climate Cymru; Global Citizenship presented by the Welsh Centre for International Affairs; Anti-Racism Charter by Hub Cymru Africa; and finally, Education hosted by Dolen Cymru and Wales Africa Education Links.
The event concluded with a panel discussion on Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa after Covid-19. This was followed by an animated discussion between panellists and the public.
As in other past events, the evening terminated with an informal dinner and live music.
For more information or to attend future events like that keep updated on our socials or follow Hub Cymru Africa.