Academi Heddwch is Wales’ first ‘peace institute’ – and one among a global family of research institutes bringing together the best academic minds and expertise to build a better world through peace-rooted approaches to global challenges.
Academi Heddwch aims to extend Wales’ long-standing tradition of peace-making and peace-promotion, by developing and coordinating an independent community of researchers in related fields. Funded through Welsh Government, Academi Heddwch works to place peace firmly on Wales’ national agenda, as well as on the international stage through working with an existing global network of peace institutes.
Academi Heddwch Secretary Professor Mererid Hopwood opens the ‘Peace Lecture’ at Llangollen International Eisteddfod in July 2023.
Timeline of the ‘Wales Peace Institute Initiative’
2008 – Civil society groups in Wales started campaigning for the formation of a Peace Institute or Academy. View the original proposal for a Wales Peace Institute(from CND Cymru Archives).
2013 – the National Assembly undertook a public consultation exploring support for a Wales Peace Institute. View the Petitions Committee records.
2013 – Jill Evans MEP called on Wales’ First Minister to make ‘peace’ the central focus of Wales’ WW1 Centenary programme. View Jill Evans’s article in Peace News.
2020 – first funding was awarded by the Welsh Government to start establishing Academi Heddwch Cymru as an embryonic national body, with a skeleton staff support.
2021, July – Academi Heddwch appointed its first staff member Ameerah Mai as Academi Heddwch Coordinator.
2021, September – ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams became Chair of Academi Heddwch Cymru.
2022 – Academi Heddwch Cymru awarded long-term strategic funding to support development of the Welsh Government’s international strategy through fostering relationships across academia, research and peace sectors internationally.
2023 – Academi Heddwch alongside WCIA as host organisation, awarded Heritage Lottery Funding for Wales-wide programme to mark centenary of the 1923-24 Welsh Women’s Peace Petition.
2023 – Bethan Sian Jones appointed as Development Manager for Academi Heddwch, with Ffion Fielding joining to Head the Women’s Peace Petition Project.