Our award winning MockCOP programme is growing from strength to strength.
The expansion of the programme has been made possible by the kind support of the ScottishPower Foundation.
What is MockCOP?
Size of Wales and WCIA have been running MockCOP since 2015. MockCOP is an event modelled on the UN’s Conference of the Parties (COP) where representatives from all countries meet to negotiate resolutions to tackle climate change. Groups of 3 students aged 14-18 years old from across Wales are each given a nation to represent. They research and prepare their position, then represent their allocated nation presenting their case, aiming to negotiate an agreement with the other nations.
In 2018, the programme was voted Highly Commended in the Sustainability Academy Wales Awards. MockCOP has gone from strength to strength, as in September 2019, the programme was awarded the Education Partnership Award at the Scottish Power Foundation Awards.
How is the programme expanding?
Previously, there has only been one event each year, held in Cardiff. Now, thanks to the support of the ScottishPower Foundation, there will be several of regional MockCOP events across Wales,.
“We are delighted to be running a much bigger version of our MockCOP programme this year in partnership with WCIA and with the kind support of the ScottishPower Foundation. The programme provides young people with the opportunity to step into the shoes of other nations, think about climate change from multiple perspectives as well as develop their public speaking and debating skills.” Size of Wales Director, Elspeth Jones said.
As part of the programme Size of Wales will be looking to develop and support young climate change champions across Wales.
Ann McKechin, Trustee and Executive Officer of the ScottishPower Foundation said: “The next generation are leading the fight against climate change throughout our country. That is why the Foundation is pleased to support this exciting programme that brings young people together from all parts of Wales to debate on how to meet the challenges that will impact on their future while understanding different perspectives from around the globe.”
How can schools get involved?
All events are free to join. Next year’s MockCOP will take place on Friday 5th March and Tuesday 23rd March.
Read all about the programme with our English #MockCOP poster HERE
Alternatively, sign up to the welsh language MockCOP on March 5th via Eventbrite here – MockCOP 2021 digidol
Or register for the English language MockCOP on March 23rd here: MockCOP 2021 online
This year, we are working with the Interclimate Network to develop fantastic new resources for schools to carry out their own in-school versions of a climate change summit.
WCIA’s CEO, Susie Ventris-Field said: “Mock COP is a fantastic opportunity that builds learners’ skills, knowledge and confidence so they can act on the crucial topic of climate change, and this funding means we can reach more young people across Wales. As well as aligning fantastically with the new curriculum in developing ethical informed citizens, it is also very timely as young people strike to persuade our leaders to address climate change.”
am extremely happy for allowing me to join this important group. and am asking your do not me behind pleas let me know whatever is going to be happened .
also me here I will refresh or inform the communities inorder to let them what is around the world.
Thank you for your interest in our projects!
Best regards,
Este o sansa pentru mine sa particip la acest proiect.
For further information, please contact centre@wcia.org.
Best regards,