Tensions rose among student delegates as they debated the issue of climate change during MockCOP sessions last week.
Pupils aged 14-18 from south and west wales schools, represented countries from all over the world at Mock COP (Conference of Parties) in Cardiff City Hall and Swansea Civic centre.
These sessions, organised by the WCIA and Size of Wales and financed by Scottish Power Foundation, provide students with the experience of a Model United Nations Climate Change Conference, as well as the chance to become Climate Champions.
Sarah Wynne, 17 from Porthcawl Comprehensive, said: “I was representing the USA, and didn’t really know what to expect but I have really enjoyed the day. I enjoy debating and it’s been great listening to what other delegates had to say.”
Rita Singh, Divisional sustainability Leader at Kingspan Insulation, chaired the MockCOP at Swansea’s Civic Centre.
She said: – “I am very impressed by the preparation the students have done, and they really took on the nations and their views, whether they believed it or not.
“Pupils took on impassioned roles, it was clear how sympathetic they felt, and that they stood up for the cause. They also recognised the importance of other roles and best of all, the need to get together to solve a global challenge like climate change.”
All participants in the regional MockCOP can apply to take place in a final overnight event in Cardiff in November 2019. This will include a MockCOP in the Senedd, as well as a fully funded overnight stay with an evening of inspiration to include workshops and talks – all attendees of this final event will have the opportunity to become Climate Champions.
Find out more information about the regional MockCOPs here